outwait outrun outwit


an archive of pleasures, wounds, sublimations
& other curiosities :: profile


Today was the first day I could go out without feeling crappy so I ran some errands. I bought bananas, sequins, and glue for an artwork I want to make for a Gaza fundraiser I am running with some friends in September. I got the paper, a book from the library, and a black slick raincoat from the charity shop. Black, waist-cinched, massive-hooded, it is appropriate for the future, a future of rain, autumn coming, dystopian possibility. I'll wear it with snakeprint leather jeans and dark red lipstick and burgundy winklepickers. For now, it hangs in my closet, to await the passing of a summer of wispy white dresses and increasingly scuffed white brogues. Once home, I stewed chicken bones in a pot, with crushed garlic and ginger; a bowl of soup, just that, for dinner. Outside my window, dark clouds crease the sky, a promise of storm.


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