outwait outrun outwit


an archive of pleasures, wounds, sublimations
& other curiosities :: profile


Ireland is in that weird time before lockdown ends. Nothing certain at all, and lots to process afterwards. This time of uncertainty is compounded by the fact that the national health service's IT system was attacked by hackers seeking ransom a couple of weeks ago: data stolen, appointments and files lost, health workers scrambling to unsnarl the mess, people's lives at stake. So fucked up! I don't know when I'll get the results of my pap smear or my appointment to remove that cervical polyp (TMI, I know). At least I will be able to register for vaccination this or next week. Thank goddess!


I was asked to provide a short bio for the local art centre, as I'm the new chair of the board and it's arts funding application season. I don't know what to write. First of all, I prefer to conceal my whereabouts and doings. Nothing to see here, folks! Also I feel like a sham writing about myself: ne'er-do-well, always starting things I never finish. Oh well!


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