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Flora of Irish spring and summer, of hedge, garden, field, and woodland, noted from the 2nd week of March to the 1st week of September, recalled from seasons past or snapped and identified by app:

daffodils, golden saxifrage, cherry blossoms, dandelions, lesser celandine, primroses, wood anemones, dog violets, furze, wild garlic, bluebells, wood sorrel, ground elder, lady's smock, cow parsley, stitchwort, germander speedwell, elderflower, hawthorn flower, beech roses, valerian, daisies, buttercups, blue bells, wall rue, maidenhair spleenwort, hart's tongue, pennywort, foxglove, ragged robin, guelder rose, ivy-leaved toadflax, yellow iris, spotted orchid, willowherb, dog rose, honeysuckle, bush vetch, tufted vetch, hawkweed, self-heal, cat's ear, hedge woundwort, blue bugle, pink elderflower, rosa mundi, meadowsweet, fireweed, hedge bindweed, buddleia, fuschia, spear thistle, angelica, ragwort, blackberries, clover, herb robert, nipplewort, montbretia, mugwort, rowan berries, purple loosestrife, sweet pea


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