outwait outrun outwit


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"Why do people say 'Grow some balls'? Balls are weak and sensitive! If you really wanna get tough, grow a vagina! Those things take a pounding."--Betty White

Apparently I have a 99-year-old woman's sense of humour. I post this quote on fb, and then realize five hours later that my aunties and the aunties-in-law would see this. Oof.

I had a quiet New Year's Eve night: two glasses of wine in our pub with my friend seeking relief from in-laws in her house. Her son texted, saying he didn't need a lift, he was heading for a bar across the border, where closing time was midnight. Last call here was at half 7 pm, and everyone was out by 9 pm. Today was the annual tractor run, me chatting with one of the husband's cousins while we waved at friends, neighbours, and acquaintances as they rumbled past, honking, on Main Street. During any other year, everyone would have returned to our pub, but only a few came in. The husband's cousins brought their wee wans, who incited a bit of cheer, brandishing bags of crisps and bottles of Cidona as they giggled on couches, behind the bar, underfoot. Anyways, hopefully we'll finish off this day with some plum pudding with custard and brandy cream.

Happy new year, Diaryland?!!


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