Scribble Hello
09.19.24 the prairies of dreary pastiche
09.18.24 a graveyard cat
09.17.24 boxed red wine
09.16.24 Cocaine? Cocaine? Weed?
09.15.24 coppery images from the past
09.14.24 holiday reading
09.12.24 naps and ice cream
09.10.24 The Day of Forever
09.06.24 eyebright and devil's-bit scabious
09.03.24 deep-fried tilapia and sour green mango salad
08.31.24 a wall of briar
08.29.24 a rag tree
08.25.24 the American Abortion Fund
08.22.24 an unlocked door
08.21.24 a sparrow's entrails
08.18.24 The Spiral
08.15.24 the absence of butterflies
08.12.24 stealing tulips at night
08.11.24 The faraway nearby
08.08.24 Greyhound racing on the telly
08.04.24 Oooof
08.01.24 goodbye studio
07.31.24 2 glasses of Black Bush
07.26.24 a tiny violin squeaks
07.24.24 mute and continue
07.19.24 an exceptional calm
07.18.24 Mrs Dalloway
07.17.24 The Scent of Green Papaya
07.14.24 Giftpflanzen
07.13.24 Minor Detail
07.11.24 Pokemon Go
07.08.24 Phantom Thread
07.06.24 blue is hotter than yellow
07.02.24 the long grazing acre
06.29.24 a few drops of Contradiction
06.27.24 two poppies
06.25.24 an ignis fatuus from the underworld
06.23.24 a butthole print
06.22.24 Yo-Yo Ma performs Bach in Alaska
06.21.24 tá brón orm
06.20.24 a small black cat
06.18.24 isn't it obvious
06.15.24 an epitaph, of sorts
06.10.24 the middle finger
06.08.24 Fun-doran
06.06.24 my face is a May-blossom
06.05.24 You stupid men
06.01.24 what does love become but care
05.31.24 a soft voice
05.29.24 the disappearance of rituals
05.28.24 the end of my nose
05.21.24 dreaming of gardens
05.19.24 Murder on the Dancefloor
05.17.24 That awful mess
05.16.24 Heartease
05.15.24 The doomed Queen of Scots
05.14.24 Mother's Day
05.12.24 erstwhiling
05.03.24 adventitious peregrinations of the mind
04.27.24 You divil
04.26.24 the dog's missing toenail
04.25.24 just to change into a tree
04.22.24 cuckoo flowers
04.21.24 attachment issues
04.12.24 little things eh
04.11.24 Tartini's Trumpet Concerto in D major
04.09.24 pink blossoms and house martins
04.08.24 a cat licking its butt
04.06.24 eclipse season
04.02.24 Trilliums
03.31.24 Dream Work
03.23.24 very vagina
03.21.24 maybe a eulogy
03.12.24 majestic old dowagers with rotting teeth and magnificent hairdos
03.11.24 probably for eternity
03.10.24 Kraftwerk on ukuleles
03.08.24 a Nick Cave suit
03.05.24 all sorts of wonderful and weird places
02.29.24 funerary portraits
02.28.24 a funeral in Celbridge
02.22.24 a pair of jackdaws
02.19.24 mom's chilies
02.18.24 a pressed flower
02.10.24 Luimneach
02.09.24 minimal lipstick
02.08.24 a chunk of the moon
02.07.24 this is forgetfulness
02.01.24 Lá Fhéile Bride
01.25.24 Yellowstone
01.24.24 permanently ink-stained fingers
01.23.24 between storms
01.22.24 yin and yang
01.20.24 with dark feet and dark wings
01.19.24 A History of My Brief Body
01.10.24 Carrageen cough remedy
01.04.24 a life of one's own
01.03.24 kindness, kindness, kindness
01.01.24 dreoilín
12.26.23 Christmas in gaudy jumpers
12.24.23 Two peaches
12.20.23 lasair choille
12.17.23 Unwashed uniforms
12.10.23 Storm Fergus
12.09.23 And the sea, this sea, lies/ within my grasp
12.01.23 a poet and a punk
11.30.23 a savage joy
11.29.23 scriobhaim anocht
11.27.23 these wee joys
11.24.23 Ireland is at war
11.21.23 Go out for a walk
11.18.23 Morning! Morning!
11.12.23 Still: again.
11.10.23 Izzuna Fair // Sumito Sakakibara
11.09.23 all music aspires to utopia
11.05.23 hawthorn, for the heart
11.03.23 A housewarming party
10.27.23 Manara, their lighthouse
10.26.23 if they so much as sneezed in one's direction
10.24.23 with a wee drop of red lemonade
10.20.23 mowing the grass
10.15.23 wavering gleams of spiderweb
10.08.23 The shock of the familiar
10.07.23 O meu cachorro
10.06.23 Le bonheur
10.05.23 FELA KUTI
10.05.23 Passing ships
10.04.23 Journal of a solitude
10.03.23 Azure-winged magpies
10.02.23 The One Woman Drawing Club
10.01.23 Cypresses
09.30.23 Dreamlike and lonesome
09.29.23 An anatomy of saudade
09.28.23 Beguilingly feathered bottoms
09.27.23 The geometry of light
09.26.23 Lagos reading list
09.18.23 HOMMAGE à ZGOUGOU // Agnès Varda
09.15.23 his nemesis
09.13.23 Meu cachorro
09.09.23 the damp and obscure regions of the spirit
09.07.23 46!
09.04.23 a heap of dark hide and small bones
09.03.23 by longing
09.02.23 this barefoot crusty
09.01.23 I was no one
08.19.23 oh a mere wish
08.18.23 when the dog finally takes a poo
08.17.23 the Greek goddess of strife
08.12.23 every friendly dog
08.05.23 That cough will lead to the coffin
08.02.23 No pasarán!
08.01.23 Good god
07.29.23 I will sleep with a clear conscience
07.26.23 a composite of the world
07.24.23 pretty please
07.21.23 the world is literally burning
07.19.23 on irony
07.18.23 At the far end of a broken, impassable road
07.15.23 beautiful moonlit thoughts
07.14.23 small pitiful kingdoms
07.14.23 WTF
07.12.23 a childhood of perms
07.11.23 when enough time passes
07.09.23 The Summer Book
07.08.23 the number of women in California
07.07.23 a little creature sleek and silver-furred
07.06.23 rain rain go away
07.06.23 Oof
07.03.23 A new hobby
07.03.23 an exercise in chiromancy
06.23.23 all united by cocaine
06.20.23 The Neverending Story
06.18.23 Sundaying
06.16.23 Oh for a thunderstorm
06.16.23 The Museum of Literature
06.15.23 The one that got away
06.10.23 You made a holy show of yourself
06.08.23 you're young until September
06.06.23 a house in Athenry
05.29.23 Oof
05.28.23 sweet Siún
05.26.23 one long thread
05.23.23 as if a dream could have a moral
05.22.23 Oh it's sunshine
05.17.23 a summons
05.14.23 a cuckoo call
05.11.23 the raconteur
05.10.23 belatedly Beltane
05.08.23 All Our Yesterdays
05.02.23 An unrepeatable experience
04.27.23 these sorrows will pass
04.23.23 the back of my skull
04.20.23 you poxy bitch
04.16.23 three dreams about my father
04.15.23 Winter in Sokcho
04.14.23 two nervous breakdowns
04.13.23 Margaret Thatcher's toes
04.12.23 a fairy pelt
04.09.23 Like a Virgin
04.08.23 hairy bittercress
04.07.23 the skinning days
03.29.23 stitch a new skin every night
03.28.23 oh mercy
03.24.23 laughing like otters
03.20.23 Seinfeld
03.14.23 the memory of water
03.10.23 off-season nectarines
03.06.23 two shot glasses
03.02.23 À mon seul désir
02.28.23 the aurora borealis
02.26.23 Dorothy Cross's dog
02.20.23 latibulate
02.19.23 sudden stratospheric warming
02.12.23 a wee calico cat
02.08.23 arrival/return
02.06.23 Passionfruit mousse
02.06.23 Trumpeter finches and ruddy turnstones
02.04.23 Oul wans
02.03.23 The Friend
02.03.23 Irish pubs in foreign countries
02.02.23 Sun holidays
02.01.23 Empireland
02.01.23 Holiday book list
01.29.23 a slice of pineapple
01.21.23 wolf moon
01.20.23 the winter heliotrope
01.10.23 the local poet's society
01.01.23 Back on the Chain Gang
12.29.22 the rebellious stage of Christmas
12.28.22 Wren Day
12.26.22 The 26th of December
12.23.22 solstice Sligo
12.17.22 Ho Ho Ho
12.16.22 my unused reproductive system
12.15.22 everything in a Baggie
12.13.22 a large skinned animal
12.06.22 Single, of "draft age"
11.30.22 Psyche tells a story
11.29.22 spaces of peace
11.24.22 KonMarimasu
11.23.22 a bestiary
11.23.22 tea leaves
11.22.22 arseways
11.13.22 Nightwalking in Venice
11.12.22 Petite Maman
10.31.22 Song for Charon
10.30.22 the deepest sleep
10.28.22 Grrrr!
10.27.22 the bridegrooms
10.23.22 non-places and the like
10.18.22 all the seas of the world
10.14.22 clay molds
10.12.22 ferns, dog, berries
10.10.22 The Buddha of Suburbia
10.08.22 its elusive genius
10.03.22 space cake
09.30.22 no more wild paradise
09.27.22 does anything in nature despair except man?
09.25.22 Fox
09.17.22 what makes you tender
09.16.22 the old and the new world
09.15.22 oh September
09.06.22 45
09.01.22 the Camino de Santiago
08.31.22 a small tortoiseshell
08.28.22 the barn dance
08.27.22 small things, first
08.27.22 dog poo stories
08.14.22 Joshua Tree
08.13.22 chocolate truffles in the shape of breasts
08.04.22 Prick in the tracksuit and cowboy hat
08.03.22 not quite the disappearing woman
08.02.22 a betrayal
08.01.22 a list of things often on my person these days, very Virgoan of me
07.28.22 The Other Americans
07.26.22 have a good dream
07.22.22 ragwort, wild sunflowers, rosebay willowherb
07.18.22 A hedgewitch's herbal
07.16.22 Swimming during an apocalypse
07.15.22 Lavender and mascarpone ice cream
07.14.22 Sulfurous flowers
07.13.22 Something about this place
07.12.22 Beautiful world, where are you
07.09.22 Borage
07.08.22 the wish for an unthinking, reckless solitude
07.04.22 discharged for now
07.01.22 You're always only in the day you're in.
06.30.22 Trying to catch that outward bound feeling
06.29.22 Emergency
06.19.22 as if we were teenagers
06.07.22 holiday blahs
06.03.22 the Unicorn Tapestries
06.01.22 where the fuck is the dog bed?!
05.30.22 keep the company of small creatures
05.27.22 prunes stewed in red wine and served with mascarpone
05.17.22 that cool wee little cave of my dreams
05.15.22 the white-starred grass
05.10.22 making lists and making peace
05.09.22 Ruby
05.06.22 Garrison
05.03.22 two magpies
04.20.22 the weird and the sad and the sometimes wonderful
04.19.22 memory, art, love, always love
04.13.22 pure exhaustion
04.11.22 the first afternoon after finding out I have a mild form of the plague
04.11.22 the plague, blah
04.09.22 the fucking glasses
04.07.22 spring's strident shoots
04.02.22 The City and the City
03.31.22 the borrowed days
03.17.22 Iranian vampire fill-um
03.13.22 the great thaw
03.11.22 moules marinieres
03.02.22 yellow rose bouquet
03.01.22 frog spawn
02.28.22 audit pastry overload
02.24.22 The house is cold and the list is long.
02.15.22 Messenger
02.14.22 24-hour bug
02.06.22 what makes you happy?
02.04.22 my angry little friend
02.02.22 Imbolc blahs
01.27.22 war drums and gingerbread
01.23.22 jasmine flowers
01.22.22 "Emergency over"
01.18.22 a book, a ring, an eggcup
01.15.22 When You Were Sweet Sixteen
01.13.22 rooted in time
01.09.22 on motherhood
01.03.22 duvet day
01.01.22 Oof
12.31.21 Pandemic Christmas version
12.29.21 some people are good at families
12.24.21 feral creatures
12.23.21 They'll do anything!
12.21.21 Love doesn't die when we die.
12.17.21 the fine art of rolling in shite
12.15.21 a poet's garden
12.14.21 love will save us
12.08.21 the thoughts and feelings of others
12.07.21 steak tartare and french onion soup
12.03.21 pandemic's got my tongue
12.01.21 you-know-what
11.24.21 an earmark
11.18.21 all my hundred very distinct lives
11.14.21 silver boots
11.12.21 the second highest incidence rate, fuuuuuuuuck
11.10.21 a stone, a bird, or a tree
11.04.21 savoury
11.02.21 thank you very much
10.28.21 strawberries
10.25.21 a dangerous place
10.22.21 if this keeps up
10.18.21 Holy Communion
10.13.21 the vespertine hour
10.12.21 Brian Wilson went to bed for three years.
10.09.21 carrot cake and hangman
10.07.21 one task at a time
09.28.21 Mercury fucking retrograde
09.24.21 wholly herself
09.23.21 post-equinox inventory
09.21.21 Flora of Irish spring/summer
09.15.21 a 24-hour bug
09.06.21 his first name, twice!
09.03.21 Anniversaries huh
09.02.21 water continues its work
08.31.21 normality or something like it
08.30.21 Get a haircut!
08.22.21 a peacock butterfly
08.20.21 how to cope with a catastrophe
08.19.21 our private country
08.11.21 family secrets
08.08.21 silver boots and fewer eggs
08.02.21 Nunc est bibendum!
08.01.21 Ballina
07.31.21 nightwalking in Galway
07.30.21 the b&b room
07.20.21 thousands of dead flamingo fledglings
07.12.21 adrift in the supermarket
07.09.21 what is a diary, what is a life
07.03.21 rosa mundi
07.01.21 ADHD or not
06.29.21 the best spies
06.28.21 a week since my last fag
06.21.21 happy summer solstice
06.17.21 like a cat following sunshine across a room
06.16.21 a right arsehole
06.10.21 ragged robin post-eclipse
06.08.21 fish tacos and long-tailed tits
05.31.21 Lissadell Beach
05.26.21 freckled and wolfish
05.25.21 oh well oh well
05.21.21 cock and balls
05.16.21 Kurosawa on Nun's Island
05.11.21 maybe a home
05.09.21 Women's Clinic
05.01.21 Beltaine
04.30.21 here, here, here
04.26.21 the moment that cannot be anticipated
04.25.21 The moon was less a stranger than you were.
04.24.21 ground elder and wood sorrel
04.23.21 I love the taste of another man's blood.
04.17.21 wild garlic
04.12.21 perhaps the body is a landscape
04.11.21 fake smiles
04.07.21 my fucking wisdom tooth
03.31.21 two wee lambs
03.29.21 Galway
03.22.21 as if we were Martians
03.18.21 the small things count
03.17.21 on the long history of anti-Asian violence
03.17.21 lamb-storms
03.13.21 how place and mind may interpenetrate
03.07.21 some Paleozoic fossil
03.06.21 bird-spotting
02.25.21 my neighbor
02.17.21 the man who could shed his skin
02.16.21 'Move slowly and mend things'
02.09.21 the sky undone
02.05.21 "I paint flowers so they will not die."
02.04.21 the canary on the skull
02.03.21 Be clenched, curious.
01.31.21 the beauty of the House is immeasurable
01.29.21 howling dogs
01.28.21 Granny's house
01.24.21 The warmed-over bones of January
01.13.21 Carve Time
01.10.21 what I am
01.09.21 the fucking insurrection
01.04.21 a falling house
01.03.21 a dream and a list
12.31.20 Christmas in Dublin
12.22.20 quare arrangements
12.16.20 sad stories
12.14.20 Anthony Veasna So passed away
12.11.20 everything and nothing
12.10.20 The Overstory
12.08.20 two American women
12.07.20 triple jumper day
12.03.20 magic in the details
11.28.20 Dan the Traveller
11.26.20 A Journal of the Plague Year
11.24.20 the mantilija poppy
11.23.20 reading notes
11.22.20 Glenfarne Wood
11.18.20 some nice news
11.16.20 Once upon a time in Cork
11.13.20 shibboleths
11.11.20 Agnes Martin on dreams
11.06.20 The Star
11.03.20 Election Day
11.01.20 All Souls Day
10.27.20 O, O, O, O
10.26.20 a witch's notes
10.25.20 on writing
10.20.20 the last nectar
10.18.20 perhaps a stoat
10.15.20 bad grammar advice
10.12.20 what is an identity
10.07.20 I voted.
10.05.20 another lockdown
09.28.20 body bubble ball
09.25.20 then okay
09.24.20 for the first time since March
09.22.20 autumn equinox
09.21.20 Sisyphus
09.20.20 That's what you think.
09.15.20 the last swifts
09.10.20 mercury retrograde?
09.02.20 the culture of happiness
09.01.20 little wandering Jew
08.26.20 deep clean
08.25.20 Shit
08.24.20 between storms
08.18.20 on melancholy
08.17.20 wain
08.12.20 fruit from the land of the dead
08.09.20 Hainan Chicken
08.06.20 Maeve
08.05.20 the hard pit
08.04.20 the direct provision system
07.27.20 runaway
07.25.20 two Phils
07.24.20 the end of capitalism
07.23.20 these little pleasures
07.20.20 a moment of magical thinking
07.17.20 a dead wren
07.15.20 polyethylene dreams
07.11.20 a poppy
07.07.20 I learned nothing
07.06.20 wishes
06.26.20 the commons
06.25.20 on framing
06.23.20 the rook's nest
06.22.20 handiwork
06.18.20 pens and stuff
06.17.20 to belong
06.15.20 night sweats
06.09.20 elderflower season
06.08.20 the beats of other drummers
06.04.20 three yellow roses
06.03.20 a kite
06.01.20 all jumbled together
05.30.20 Ode on Melancholy
05.24.20 black velvet trousers
05.22.20 Pandora's box
05.18.20 YAY!
05.17.20 Cucurrucucu Paloma
05.14.20 sightings
05.12.20 on motherhood
05.08.20 on noctambulism
05.07.20 on nostalgia
05.05.20 Dublin, a recap
05.01.20 our gravest concern
04.29.20 the color blue
04.28.20 Field notes
04.27.20 The joy of living with your mother-in-law
04.26.20 adventures in dogland
04.24.20 what matters and what doesn't
04.23.20 Cherry blossoms
04.21.20 sudoku
04.17.20 breaking quarantine
04.10.20 the farm
04.09.20 the pink moon
04.08.20 a nightmare
04.07.20 a self-portrait
04.06.20 The mother-in-law
04.04.20 the forest for the trees
03.30.20 don't worry be happy
03.28.20 Larkfield
03.23.20 stones and bones
03.22.20 where the cries of love drown out the screams of corpses
03.20.20 nothing new
03.16.20 a surreal day
03.14.20 The Decameron
03.09.20 Grandma
03.03.20 paradise on earth
03.01.20 A loosening of tension
02.23.20 without tenderness, we are all in hell
02.19.20 the heart is not a self-replenishing instrument
02.12.20 Enniscrone
02.04.20 Imbolc
01.30.20 a month of funerals
01.29.20 the body in the cemetary
01.23.20 a severe allergy to doing bad
01.20.20 the dying calf
01.11.20 captain of my destiny
01.10.20 how to feel normal
01.06.20 a view of the foaming sea
01.03.20 Fucking 2020
12.29.19 the Celtic god of the Underworld
12.20.19 the opposite of depression
11.23.19 this frayed thing I call a self
11.19.19 the petrol station
11.15.19 a few seconds of violence
11.14.19 even eternity
11.10.19 a shroud of leaves
11.07.19 meshes of time
11.06.19 a little french wine bar
11.06.19 Blood must be shed
11.02.19 The Day of the Dead
10.27.19 L.A. Woman
10.24.19 a freezing lorry, a coffin
10.22.19 a ring fort
10.17.19 Reading
10.09.19 spice bag
10.07.19 the cattle mart
10.02.19 poor Sam
09.27.19 the resistance
09.26.19 Minor Monuments
09.23.19 a veneer of normalcy
09.20.19 home
09.20.19 resist fascism
09.18.19 Lily of Knossos
09.17.19 The Libyan Sea
09.15.19 Fissures
09.14.19 Chirico
09.11.19 First night in Rethymno
09.03.19 two years ago
08.28.19 the underworld
08.19.19 where fireweed grows
08.14.19 a wee island
08.07.19 more invention than human
08.04.19 away with the fairies
07.30.19 a holy match
07.29.19 Our visitor, the fairy
07.21.19 the fringes of paradise
07.20.19 Crete!
07.19.19 Coronado
07.16.19 in fragments
07.10.19 benedictions
07.01.19 The Traveller
06.20.19 Tír na nÓg
06.11.19 the world's wife revisited
06.10.19 aftermath
06.07.19 an Irish funeral
05.27.19 a double rainbow
05.26.19 change is coming
05.22.19 home
05.20.19 a routine of sorts
05.16.19 a survivor
05.13.19 Sam killed a bird today
05.11.19 dreaming of the apocalypse
05.06.19 May flowers
05.01.19 Mayday
04.17.19 purgatory
04.16.19 April is the cruelest month
04.15.19 oh Notre Dame
04.13.19 when Sam is sleeping
04.10.19 Does this spark joy?
04.07.19 nothing happens and too much happens
04.05.19 little mute animals
04.04.19 serendipity in a dish
04.02.19 sunsets and mountains
03.28.19 my first swift of the year
03.27.19 Flaneuse
03.25.19 I owe it all to Mom
03.24.19 after submitting my thesis corrections
03.19.19 how unbearable is the thought
03.16.19 the shadowy figure
03.15.19 a tiny pot of shamrocks
03.02.19 the day in the life of a scholar in the NW of Ireland
02.24.19 Adventures in Puppyland
02.23.19 a funeral at spring's quickening
02.22.19 imagining escape
02.18.19 time, WTF
01.25.19 the only thing you could do
01.09.19 Passing time in a small rural town with no driver's license
01.02.19 Sam
01.01.19 new year wishes
12.31.18 some advice
12.29.18 the master of hounds
12.27.18 after St Stephen's Day
12.21.18 a poem for the winter solstice
12.01.18 Dr Phil
11.26.18 the blue tit's secret
11.24.18 the moon a persimmon
11.08.18 Sex and Rage
11.06.18 Election Day
11.03.18 two nights away
10.30.18 Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc
10.29.18 what an animal is
10.28.18 offerings
10.25.18 a visitor
10.23.18 the Commons
10.20.18 a sad thought
10.14.18 a 70th birthday
10.07.18 the grimmest of days
10.06.18 the golden wood
09.30.18 my fucking brother
09.29.18 Something like joy
09.28.18 misery is a teacher
09.25.18 bros will be bros
09.21.18 Ode to cigarettes
09.16.18 the jasmine tree
09.13.18 some news
09.04.18 woodland wonder
09.04.18 Dad's death anniversary
08.04.18 nearly a year later
07.23.18 the first Monday of the rest of my life
07.22.18 yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
07.16.18 advice
07.15.18 Finishing
07.10.18 Sisyphus of Leitrim
07.06.18 quasi-woman
07.04.18 dreaming of butterflies
07.01.18 yay.2
06.28.18 Ardara and beyond
06.19.18 this made me smile
06.17.18 Dad thing
06.15.18 the bake sale
06.14.18 hoping for the tide to turn
06.12.18 turf
06.10.18 a teenaged boy in the Burren
06.08.18 grace
06.06.18 the landscape made music tonight
06.03.18 hello summer
05.30.18 Wish me luck
05.27.18 Sean from Ballaghaderreen
05.26.18 repealed
05.25.18 repeal the 8th!
05.13.18 the linnet's wings
05.12.18 the angel of nothing
05.08.18 A cat named Beast
05.05.18 on this day
05.05.18 fuck the patriarchy
05.02.18 May Day
04.29.18 13 springs ago
04.28.18 Moses Sumney performs "Come to Me"
04.27.18 what I miss at 11:45 pm
04.22.18 happy earth day
04.17.18 My high school friend, the fascist
04.16.18 mom call
04.15.18 Cambodian new year
04.12.18 yay
04.11.18 the thing / that nearly broke you
04.10.18 Galway
04.08.18 is this the way
04.05.18 mercury square mars
04.03.18 Early November Tunnel by David Hockney
04.02.18 the worm moon
03.29.18 crappy mccrappy pants
03.27.18 View of the garden
03.26.18 a late one
03.24.18 way-koans
03.23.18 the fall and the arrival
03.19.18 the lambs of spring
03.16.18 a dream of Rini
03.14.18 bluets
03.13.18 from The Waves by Virginia Woolf
03.12.18 deaths and daffodils
03.07.18 Uncle Philip died
03.06.18 afternoon walk
03.05.18 "existential crisis"
03.04.18 the community of sympathy
02.26.18 suckler cows
02.19.18 done!!!
02.13.18 Pancake Day
02.12.18 decisions, decisions
02.10.18 my first dream about my father since he died
02.07.18 remembering 19-year-old me
02.03.18 the first snowdrops
01.27.18 missing dad always
01.24.18 lychees, the taste of diaspora
01.24.18 Rest in power, Ursula K. Le Guin
01.23.18 a small, unkempt, and ravenous thing
01.21.18 when a sword cuts into one's soul
01.19.18 what seething shadows
01.17.18 the robin never feels sorry for itself
01.13.18 like a carnivorous flower
01.12.18 la belle sauvage
01.10.18 saturn conjunct mercury
01.05.18 in ovulation
01.02.18 a flower is a memory of the sun
01.01.18 wolf moon resolution
12.28.17 a visitor
12.27.17 conversations I have with my mother
12.24.17 missing Dad
12.22.17 post-solstice notes
12.20.17 here we are, still alive
12.19.17 Dad's handwriting
12.15.17 like a moon
12.14.17 notes from a diaspora
12.13.17 Doug Jones won and I'm so fucking happy
12.07.17 a little black cat
12.06.17 the past is a place I never want to see again
12.05.17 two husbands
12.02.17 the winter of my discontent
11.30.17 Helen Mirren, my friend
11.29.17 emigration by accident
11.27.17 on hearthfire-making
11.25.17 eternal winter
11.23.17 Thanksgiving story
11.22.17 my ex-brother-in-law, the pharmaceutical CEO
11.21.17 the last time I saw Dad
11.19.17 how to help a person grieve
11.16.17 inheritance
11.14.17 Notes from a weekend in south Leitrim
11.09.17 traces of himself
11.08.17 away with the fairies
11.06.17 "Violence made this place."
11.01.17 my father, the butterfly
10.31.17 Samhain
10.23.17 autumn dusk
10.21.17 I love Trump!
10.19.17 how to carve a pumpkin
10.18.17 house cleaning
10.16.17 the calm before the storm
10.15.17 category 3 alert
10.10.17 an instance of magical thinking
10.08.17 cava by candlelight
10.07.17 a wren
10.06.17 a walk around the town
10.04.17 home, finally
10.02.17 What Changes - Naomi Shihab Nye
10.01.17 from Audre Lorde's "Speechless"
09.27.17 the jasmine tree
09.24.17 the house misses him
09.23.17 the casino
09.19.17 Only in California
09.16.17 The day of Dad's funeral.
09.15.17 overheard
09.13.17 Nighttime in the garden
09.11.17 The American Way of Death
09.09.17 the start of his next life
09.06.17 his handwriting
09.05.17 a new world
09.04.17 ...
09.03.17 a gift
09.01.17 our true place of origin
08.29.17 then and now
08.27.17 ugh!
08.26.17 twilight walk
08.22.17 the true refuge of my wayward spirit
08.09.17 turret please
08.07.17 late summer in Leitrim
07.26.17 the constancy of one's wonder
07.14.17 the 12th of July
07.04.17 the long view of history
07.03.17 as we stagger towards the future
06.07.17 a short history of my father's family
06.01.17 lovers
04.30.17 undoing and renewal
03.29.17 a black swan
03.21.17 now, now, now
03.11.17 The new house
03.04.17 On moving
02.24.17 Chinatown midnight runs
12.27.16 this goddamn note
12.17.16 the blue grave
12.08.16 art and power
12.05.16 the annual Christmas party
11.25.16 The Third World of Leitrim
11.20.16 oh and ah
10.30.16 loam
10.06.16 the past is a river
09.30.16 crunching time
09.20.16 a hole in time
09.07.16 turning 39
09.04.16 lavender and marc
08.28.16 the sea and me
08.17.16 it smells like home
08.01.16 the green view
07.22.16 May was a month for mourning
07.16.16 Arlington
07.13.16 when poetry no longer works
06.16.16 Rumi-ing
06.03.16 what is a writer?
05.27.16 a shiny and wondrous thing
05.08.16 when I was 12 (I think)
05.04.16 exorcism or tooth extraction
04.08.16 an afternoon in Shantalla
03.29.16 a fox's wedding
03.22.16 a forest fire
03.19.16 grass widows
03.14.16 oh the doom and joy of spring
03.03.16 the march hare
03.01.16 Elena Ferrante on female friendship
02.17.16 a woman-cake
02.10.16 a cold and deliberate choice of the heart
01.31.16 mastering the art of loss
01.29.16 a list of things let loose
01.10.16 on reading Elena Ferrante
12.31.15 new year's eve dinner
12.20.15 underworldling
12.15.15 a cormorant among the ducks
11.09.15 Bluebeard's room
11.06.15 peace
10.28.15 October's ravens
10.25.15 Rini's dad
10.22.15 nostalgic for donuts
10.09.15 Galway, xo
09.30.15 blessed distraction
09.28.15 blood moon eclipse
09.27.15 always there, never there
09.24.15 no, really, it's OK
09.08.15 night cycle
08.18.15 picnic by the river
07.13.15 5 things
07.08.15 Frozen
07.07.15 where I once lived
07.01.15 retreat please
06.24.15 OOF
06.18.15 The Temperance card
06.11.15 some pleasures
06.08.15 after a phone call with my mom
06.06.15 oh anger my friend
05.26.15 The perfect egg
05.25.15 yes I said yes I will Yes
05.21.15 an exercise in futility
05.17.15 Friends Forever
05.15.15 NUTS
05.14.15 Irish spring
05.13.15 a house in London
05.11.15 mother's day, innit
04.28.15 home is a crucible
04.08.15 On the 100th anniversary of Billie Holiday's birth
03.25.15 spring equinox eclipse
03.04.15 the desert's ballad
02.24.15 Into the labyrinth the further I go and go
02.14.15 the carer
02.04.15 writing the view
12.22.14 otherworldly mother
12.02.14 The time of the mountain king
11.26.14 The Hounds of Love
11.04.14 listening to Mazzy Star over and over again like it's 1998
11.04.14 on being overwhelmed
10.12.14 dew-dropped intricacies
10.06.14 after Dublin
09.27.14 coming home
09.23.14 on peace as a practice
09.13.14 a sensation of solidarity
09.10.14 turning 37
08.21.14 not yet autumn
08.07.14 on taking a break
07.18.14 Ground invasion in Gaza
07.15.14 walking after midnight in utopia
07.10.14 a trace of sugar and spice
07.09.14 eulogy for a garden
07.09.14 "Storms" - Dermot Healy
06.25.14 Connemara peat
05.28.14 the death of a poet
05.27.14 these little jottings, at times
05.18.14 sentimental? ffft!
05.15.14 on changing views
05.13.14 Dante on indifference
05.02.14 The empty swan's nest
04.18.14 RIP Gabriel Garcia Marquez
04.14.14 Chol Chnam Thmey!
04.03.14 horse-chestnut buds
03.26.14 ah March
03.11.14 the first day of spring
02.28.14 the world tree
02.19.14 a muddy ruin
02.06.14 the time of that West
01.23.14 Dusk in Big Sur
01.17.14 Dawn in San Diego
01.03.14 a small utopia
12.31.13 the day-self vs the dreaming-self
12.30.13 marmite on toast please
12.23.13 a terrible, wonderful time
12.06.13 RIP Nelson Mandela
12.05.13 the North American Guide to Birds
11.26.13 the winter dark
11.21.13 a peculiar dread
11.09.13 the constellations of my memory
11.09.13 the memory of bliss
11.02.13 All Souls Day
10.25.13 morning on the docks
10.21.13 The Emigrants
10.06.13 senses of home
09.30.13 a brief, intimate history of perfume
09.25.13 writing life
09.13.13 marvelous and monstrous
09.07.13 after my 36th birthday; on fellowship
08.27.13 some things
08.13.13 a thousand entries later...
08.04.13 wait till you're divorced
07.30.13 Bachelard on disobedience
07.29.13 observations of refugees
07.26.13 sea spirits
07.18.13 the self and the self
07.17.13 in the Scorpion's heart
07.06.13 after an afternoon in Dublin with Fer
07.05.13 excerpt, T.S. Eliot's Four Quartets
06.30.13 the pleasure of the artichoke heart
06.27.13 on trivialities
06.23.13 being in Limerick
06.13.13 on observation
06.07.13 a little slice of California pie
05.29.13 a sombrero in the Irish sun
05.26.13 biding my time or abiding in time?
05.15.13 May so far
04.29.13 the world in a window
04.18.13 working into the night
04.14.13 terrible April
04.10.13 the rain at last
04.08.13 marking papers
04.07.13 ice cream by the river
04.06.13 a cold spell
02.03.13 The Smog
01.13.13 all the hours
12.23.12 at bay
11.17.12 RIP Savita Halappanavar
11.05.12 ten years
10.19.12 of recent note
09.23.12 the one constant is the sky
09.12.12 the key in the lock
09.09.12 angora and hot chocolate
08.21.12 Angels
08.09.12 summer phantasm
08.08.12 first star I see tonight
08.04.12 moonlight in Berkeley, please
07.31.12 Fionnuala at the crossroads
07.30.12 home is improvised
07.29.12 ace of swords
07.27.12 on worms and ice
07.25.12 time to phoenix
07.02.12 a circlet of hares
06.16.12 Bloomsday
06.11.12 between Bacchus and the convent
06.06.12 R.I.P. Ray Bradbury
05.20.12 existential
04.15.12 time for growth
04.08.12 an Easter cycle
04.03.12 from bonfires to hailstorms
03.29.12 RIP Adrienne Rich
03.15.12 poo and dreams
02.19.12 there is no "Real' here
02.09.12 I want violence
02.06.12 Burn
02.02.12 Ursula Le Guin on the book as an object
01.07.12 stuffness
12.16.11 heady spirits rise and rise
12.09.11 new roommate, sigh
12.08.11 surrender
11.28.11 crisis and breakthrough
11.07.11 orange and neat like a declaration
11.01.11 a wife's tale
10.31.11 Samhain
10.27.11 on the state of emergency
10.14.11 disappointment
10.11.11 now? now!
09.27.11 time as the matter
09.13.11 Lavinia Greenlaw on the first moment of poetry
09.12.11 tale of a hurricane
09.11.11 Carbon-Dated
09.09.11 on departures
08.23.11 every day is a feast day
08.20.11 vacation or purgatory?
08.14.11 On writing
08.12.11 On travelling
07.16.11 To my dearest
07.14.11 Virgina Woolf on self-correction
07.13.11 the bad time in flower
06.23.11 for the pleasure of running
06.20.11 oh how the moon loves him
06.16.11 what the sun wants
05.27.11 Leonora Carrington, RIP
05.26.11 a question I have been considering for the past two weeks without getting any closer to an answer, fuck.
05.14.11 the cuckoo's song
05.03.11 on the old trouble
04.06.11 life turns on the tick of a box
03.31.11 the god of the gaps
03.23.11 Anti-Lamentation by Dorianne Laux
03.21.11 a list for March
03.14.11 an axe for the frozen sea
03.12.11 Uranus on the Aries Point
01.10.11 Farewell 2010
01.03.11 holidaze
12.18.10 cocktail sausages
11.29.10 a duck and some books
11.24.10 new country
11.17.10 Leitrim thus far
11.08.10 kardiavascular
11.03.10 ROME or BUST
10.05.10 on the adventures of Ms d'Artagnan
10.05.10 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
09.28.10 from bonfire to lough
09.14.10 on fire-snatching
09.01.10 this is the best September 1st ever
08.24.10 after a kiss
08.16.10 Seafaring Song - Isobel Campbell and Mark Lanegan
08.16.10 letter to the Universe no. 3
08.11.10 letter to the Universe no. 2
08.10.10 letter to the Universe no. 1
08.02.10 on dark matter
07.30.10 "Eye, ear, and nose to the Object!'
07.29.10 even Odysseus returned
07.22.10 from THE BRIEF WONDROUS LIFE OF OSCAR WAO by Junot Diaz
07.20.10 on negative space
07.19.10 Penelope by the Atlantic
07.16.10 on the energy and carapace of creativity
07.12.10 "Do stuff. Be clenched, curious..."
07.11.10 on the blame-and-shame game
07.04.10 on porches in California
06.24.10 travel advice
06.07.10 last day in London
06.03.10 within twilight, dusk; also, this is twilight, that is dusk
05.29.10 on pho in London
05.28.10 London Bridge is fallng down
05.23.10 on the nature of snakeskin
04.30.10 wisdom sprinting
04.27.10 recipes for fuzzy head, moldy heart, stone feet
04.23.10 the first mortalities of springtime
04.05.10 Like a cover of Addicted to Love
03.26.10 Cucucu, Paloma - Caetano Veloso
03.15.10 anon quote
03.15.10 work, work, work
03.10.10 just feckin annoyed
03.04.10 on excess of feeling in a compost-modern age
03.02.10 on archaic structures
03.02.10 pg 1, wickedary
03.01.10 why on earth would you want to take something beautiful apart?
02.27.10 We are born with a chance And I'm gonna have my chance
02.25.10 on disco-balls and lollipop rings and Facebook quizzes
02.19.10 solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant
02.18.10 when zebra finches play guitars
02.14.10 happy valentine's
02.14.10 on birds and expectations
02.13.10 and I smell like vending machine hot chocolate
02.06.10 typical virgoan activities
02.06.10 blue-painted nails
02.05.10 po-po-mo times
02.01.10 missing M.
01.31.10 on an old prescription
01.30.10 coriander-and-rocket sandwiches
01.29.10 shoes in late winter
01.25.10 to remember when people underestimate me
01.25.10 on the exchange rate
01.09.10 ma's garden
01.03.10 moving
12.14.09 wisdom vs knowledge vs information
12.09.09 a la recherche du temps perdu
12.02.09 hello December
10.13.09 on academic writing
09.24.09 writing is an ethical act
09.14.09 Rebecca Solnit on revolution
09.05.09 a transcultural compromise
08.05.09 Kom Nirk Oun Eiy/Don't Miss Me Baby - Ros Sereysothea
08.04.09 on hunger
08.03.09 on stubbornness
07.11.09 GO ZEN DOJO
06.26.09 swift flowing
06.03.09 after watching a BBC clip on the lyrebird with David Attenborough
05.23.09 on the machinery of emotions
05.20.09 on contingencies
05.16.09 post-term blues
05.14.09 the brooding swan
04.21.09 springing!
04.18.09 the dull flame of desire
04.12.09 news
04.10.09 What Whitman on multitudinous selves
04.08.09 crystal, fur and coffee
03.30.09 on the origins of things
03.17.09 Casement on imperialism
03.03.09 no more (----) to critique
02.22.09 on the distribution of my heart's content(s)
02.21.09, again on freedom
02.21.09 on blushing
02.20.09 tears and tears and tears
02.18.09 on Public Enemy and swans
02.15.09 again bird punk
02.15.09 this has been my mood for the past week or so
02.03.09 yeah so i've been troubled for awhile and i don't see the end as of yet
01.18.09 Berlin, then and now
01.07.09 Rest in Peace, Harold Pinter
12.14.08 on the minor gods
12.10.08 poem and history
12.04.08 to you
12.03.08 a series of letters
11.14.08 on transformation
10.28.08 "truth is a thing of this world" -- from foucault's power/knowledge
10.28.08 on the bourgeoisie, from the communist manifesto
10.25.08 on drift
10.16.08 on enchantment
10.07.08 on duck consciousness
09.29.08 Looking for Tommy Burns
09.21.08 on chocolate
09.16.08 mortars and pestles
09.09.08 a double-yolked egg
Sunday morning, 31 August 2008 the shape of my hunger
Friday, 29 August 2008 i'd rather eat than talk about myself
Friday, 22 August 2008 30 lbs of cheese
Sunday evening, 17 August 2008 post lunar eclipse
Tuesday afternoon, 05 August 2008 loans, poems, and crisis
Sunday, 27 July 2008 birds in fairy tales
Tuesday, 08 July 2008 the wayward spider's dilemma
Sunday, 29 June 2008 The Women in My Family
Thursday, 26 June 2008 Hope and the sea
Saturday, 21 June 2008 From Ralph Waldo Emerson's Essay on Compensation
Thursday, 19 June 2008 the stuff of the true self
Wednesday, 16 June 2008 beyond the pleasure of fanciful expulsion
Monday, 16 June 2008 the flesh in compost
Tuesday 03 June 2008 portrait of a marriage
Thursday, 29 May 2008 where the river meets the sea
27 May 08 the road to Annapurna
24 May 2008 the night of the twentyfour bellydancers
21 May 2008 collage, burren afternoon, last july
05.20.08, tuesday evening the writing room
05.18.08, Sunday afternoon what had been and what had beckoned
05.13.08, Tuesday evening On Gabriel Garcia Marquez and his memoir
05.11.08, Sunday evening on summer's arrival
05.02.08, Friday evening the old man & the bay
04.30.08, Wednesday afternoon the two hours after Dipti's departure
04.24.08, Thursday afternoon on sadness by rilke
04.19.08, saturday afternoon on procrastination
04.15.08, tuesday afternoon the visitor and everything he brought
04.09.08, wednesday afternoon on survivors, donut shops, and dream conduits
03.28.08, friday afternoon This version is subject to change.
03.28.08, friday afternoon humbles, a poem by frances leviston
02.02.08, saturday evening a house in the hills
01.22.08, tuesday evening January
12.12.07, wednesday afternoon temporary autonomous zone
11.30.07, friday afternoon that old hairshirt
11.12.07, monday evening the most beautiful woman in the world
11.07.07, wednesday seven weeks, one more to go . . .
11.03.07, saturday night Edith's house
10.30.07, Tuesday morning on autobiography
10.28.07, sunday evening the language of the masses
10.26.07, friday afternoon the young men of Tangier
10.24.07, wednesday night Elevator portrait
10.23.07, tuesday evening the meaning of monastic
10.22.07, monday night on essence
10.19.07, friday midnight on hiding
10.19.07, friday when the days are humid and grey
10.13.07, saturday night no better tailor
10.13.07, saturday afternoon suzuki quote on "I"
10.10.07, wednesday evening pinwheel
10.09.07, tuesday afternoon window/shopping
10.08.07, monday morning the last indie cinema palace
10.05.07, friday evening unnamed director commenting on Ingmar Bergman
10.01.07, monday morning the road to wellville
09.25.07, tuesday midnight Moh's Library
09.24.07, monday afternoon candy rain
09.21.07, friday morning Heart, a poem by Margaret Atwood
09.20.07, thursday noon drops of wildflower honey
09.18.07, tuesday noon touch down
09.06.07, thursday morning 30th birthday
09.03.07, monday night the rabbit
08.26.07, Sunday morning Grace Paley, RIP
08.22.07, wednesday morning a red admiral from yesterday
08.19.07, sunday evening how to pack a suitcase
08.19.07, sunday afternoon on conventionality and relationships
08.18.07, Saturday morning the rain
08.14.07, tuesday on belonging
08.12.07, sunday morning doors and rain
08.05.07, sunday afternoon in these details
06.14.07, thursday evening the soul's preservation
06.10.07, sunday afternoon masculinities
06.06.07, wednesday night some items
05.20.07, sunday night headbangr
04.21.07, friday night dream and fox
04.06.07, friday evening winter and spring
03.16.07, friday night Paris, in so many words
03.03.07, saturday noon instant shower
02.26.07, monday night moon over bville
2. 2.
02.11.07, sunday noon suggestive stone
01.25.07, thursday afternoon a dog in the world
01.22.07, sunday afternoon punk burka
01.20.07, friday afternoon from The Cunning Vixen
01.11.07, thursday evening Naipaul's three lives
12.30.06, saturday afternoon a sort of return
12.12.06, tuesday evening laughter by harold pinter
january 2004 - mid december 2006: a period of upheaval, utter delights, & perceptible changes
september - december 2003: oakland, oh oakland. from first to first we swing, may - august 2003. nest-hunting in wartime, from january to mayday 2003. 2002 nearly left me speechless.
2001: a thousand and one things.
2000: textual beginnings.