Scribble Hello

09.06.03, saturday morning between 25 and 26
09.05.03, friday afternoon 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26.
09.05.03, earliest friday morning again again
08.21.03, thursday morning down the drain toward god knows where
08.20.03, wednesday afternoon thanatopsis in summer.
08.19.03, tuesday morning idi amin died last week
08.17.03, sunday afternoon say it isn't so, morbid rigour
08.15.03, friday afternoon when nature took back the night.
08.11.03, monday night don't bug out, bug in!
08.10.03, sunday night magical beanstalks
08.08.03, friday morning peace doesn't happen in a capitalist-owned kitchen
08.07.03, thursday morning the location of Paradise
08.06.03, tuesday night Strawberry Shortcake didn't know the meaning of capitalism
08.03.03, sunday morning impoverished imaginations
07.31.03, thursday night excerpt from Howard Zinn's People's History
07.30.03, wednesday night she looks at people straight
07.29.03, tuesday night remembering these things, like dead chickens and pretend-sad-faces
07.22.03, tuesday night i wake up exhausted to eat cherries at 3 am & wonder why I am so tired
07.21.03, monday night sipping Hennessy wit' you, boo
07.19.03, saturday night the brown pelican is the poster bird for july
07.17.03, thursday morning mimi nguyen/punk planet quote
07.15.03, tuesday night my brother wore white bellbottoms
07.13.03, sunday night the submerged and the silent
07.12.03, saturday night uncrossed thresholds
07.10.03, thursday noon snake doctors
07.09.03, wednesday afternoon to see each other without a mirror - what a dream
07.06.03, sunday night emiliano zapata died on april 10, 1919
07.04.03, friday afternoon a house in a novel is like a dollhouse
06.30.03, monday night last night i saw the light
06.30.03, monday morning the tattoo review
06.25.03, wednesday evening like a worm nosing for earth
06.24.03, tuesday morning don delillo quote and the questionable usefulness of the novel in the 21st century
06.21.03, saturday night the word, my friend, is hubris
06.16.03, monday night claddagh ring
06.12.03, wednesday afternoon re: Truman Capote's Breakfast At Tiffany's
06.10.03, midnight the owl never sleeps
06.09.03, monday morning tomorrow will be different
06.05.03, thursday evening espresso anyone?
06.03.03, tuesday night some notes
05.30.03, friday night touch my titties and you will die, pipsqueak
05.29.03, thursday evening meaninglessness on polk street
05.28.03, wednesday night tomorrow is my first day of work
05.27.03, tuesday evening edith piaf warbled
05.25.03, sunday night waiting for jimmy
05.22.03, thursday night the words that fit just right
05.22.03, thursday morning he would take us to the beach
05.19.03, tuesday night oh don't be so dramatic
05.15.03, thursday evening no wounds
05.14.03, wednesday night mail me some Advil
05.13.03, midnight midnight in west oakland
05.08.03, thursday morning cold and cruel
05.07.03, tuesday afternoon "catastrophic, and just starting"
05.07.03, wednesday morning marlene dietrich on glamour
05.06.03, tuesday afternoon last night i left behind notes i didn't mean
05.05.03, monday morning um, ok
05.03.03, saturday evening a ladybug shat on his finger
05.02.03, friday night dancing shoes and iced pastries

january 2004 - mid december 2006: a period of upheaval, utter delights, & perceptible changes
september - december 2003: oakland, oh oakland.
from first to first we swing, may - august 2003.
nest-hunting in wartime, from january to mayday 2003.
2002 nearly left me speechless.
2001: a thousand and one things.
2000: textual beginnings.

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